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Some good news on the recall.

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LOL, I'm asking Scott because he has good ties with Barry Cullen as that's where he picked up at least one of his vettes.
"Hi Barry, It's Mr. Corvette. Can I request the status of a red car"...
Thanks for the idea Jack, so I just called my friend Al who works at Barry Cullen and the good news for you is they have 18 cars they are waiting on and 3 are in transit now. He wasn't sure if yours was one of the three but he said Nathan would know on Monday. We ended up speaking for 15 minutes about what's going on and he has a Z06 that someone has paid for but has now changed there mind so it's for sale with 4km on it. Hypersonic Gray 3LZ HTC.
Hate to ask the price. With the risk of jacking the thread, any idea how many Canadian cars for the 24 MY. Asking so it looks like I fit in...
Zero mile Z06 will sell close to 260K. Canada is at 1325 2024's now.
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Now you all got me worried. My 2023 is going to the dealer for oil change next week. Can the dealer hold on to the car if there is an unsolved recall? That cannot be true, right?
Now you all got me worried. My 2023 is going to the dealer for oil change next week. Can the dealer hold on to the car if there is an unsolved recall? That cannot be true, right?
It is YOUR car. Not theirs. No they can not hold it. Especially since there is a workaround for the issue.
Now you all got me worried. My 2023 is going to the dealer for oil change next week. Can the dealer hold on to the car if there is an unsolved recall? That cannot be true, right?
Call your dealer before you take your car there.
Someone tell me if I am wrong but could it be that my ERay will be the first Canadian Retail ERay?!
Depending how you look at it, there was one Eray sent to the Edmonton car show that was cancelled so it was raffled off to the Alberta dealers and Capital in Calgary was the lucky winner. The Eray (S#26) is in Calgary and was sold within hours. I found this out 2 weeks ago.
I know what your thinking as I have been waiting on my Eray as it was built Feb 9 and waiting thinking I might be the first in Alberta. According to C8 tracker there has only been 12 Canadian Eray’s built so far, which I believe the first 2 went to GM Oshawa. Still It’s pretty special !!
Welcome Gman. Hope the weather is nice when you take delivery.
Yes welcome. Initially 3 were ordered for GM Canada all to look like the silver with blue stripes one in the E-Ray video to go to the Toronto VIN 016, Calgary VIN 026 and Vancouver VIN 027 car shows. When they were built the Vancouver and Calgary ones were identical. The Toronto car wasn't as well equipped I noticed. Capital's original allocation VIN 082 should be on it's way now and not nearly as well equipped as the show car the got in the auction.
Only 10 out of the initial 25 allocations have been built for Canada so far. Those cars are on the way now. Is yours VIN 084 heading to Carters or VIN 082 going to Capital?
Reactions: Murray20c8
V# 082 Capitals show car should arrive any day, so hoping to get a look. They told me its loaded.
Reactions: Murray20c8
Thanks for the welcome and for letting me know where my car is!
So VIN 082 headed to Capital in Calgary is not yours? It's a 2LZ black coupe with sky cool grey two tone GT2 seats and bright polished aluminum wheels. Full length silver stripes with edge red calipers and engine cover. It also has the Jake rear quarter hash graphic. Should look good.
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