This is now implemented. Hurray!


Staff member
Power User
Jan 11, 2009
Just rolled out a spiffy new feature that will (*should* (TM)) implement a near real time post update experience.

What does this mean? When someone is replying to a thread you'll see the someone is typing message and when they post you will get a real time update of the post without having to hit refresh. Basically it's all going to be real time.

Same can be said of private messages which are also moving to real time.

You will also get a refreshed look to private conversations that's more familiar if you use whatsapp/your phone SMS app or any other messaging app. Should be easier to read. You can revert to the old style of private convos by going into your profile's preferences page and playing around with the new settings.

Last thing, messages and posts will now give you an audio prompt, you can disable this by hovering over the bell icon (alerts) and clicking on the little music note icon.

Enjoy and as always let me know if you like this or if I'm moving up the enemy ranks!!!
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