Sep 16, 2019
2024 Stingray
Hi team, I just took delivery of my 2024 Stingray last Saturday. Super excited! On my way back from dealer (drove for 200km), I realized there is a constant buzzing noise coming near the speaker area on both driver and passenger side door at around 1400rpm (105-110km/h in 8th gear). I thought it was static noise from the speaker at first but it was still there after I turned the music off. I put my hand around the speaker and could feel some vibration when the buzz came on. The same noise also came from the steering column area for some of the time. I did some research and some people said it's caused by the V4 mode. I went out for a cruise again for 20km and found the noise was actually coming on when it shows V8.
I wonder if this is a common issue or it's just me... Thanks!
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I read on another forum it could be fade on the stereo not set correctly, alternatively the connection to the waterfall speaker may not be plugged in solid.
It will be warranty of course if it is waterfall speaker. Have you checked the subwoofer connection?

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