My wife and sister decided to have the grand daughters for a "girls" weekend. So I spent most of the weekend cleaning up snow, carrying in firewood and a few glasses of sparking wine, well bottles in reality.

We had a lot of snow, the ATV just could not handle the drifts, I went out thinking an hour I will have it cleaned up. Four hours later finally gave up. The drifts were four or five feet deep and hard packed. I need a bigger machine. Ya that is the ticket!!

Hope you guys had a nice weekend.
Family day is a holiday??? What's that??? I had to work today start stupid early but was done by 11am. So came home, chilled a bit had lunch then out to the garage to do some cleaning up to make space to be able to use my scissor lift (did a few more test lifts with it, 90% ready to use).

Now I'm posting here on CCF. :canada:
Big get together out in the country. Wagon/sleigh rides (either behind the 4020 or the horses). Tubing down a good sized hill. Deep fried fish and french fries for vittles. Massive fire to keep warm inside a fort of round bales. Good day except the thermometer never got higher than -24. Lots of talk about the federal government, none of it good.
Based on the Emergency Measure Act the Prime Minister froze my toilet over the weekend. Geez donate $25.00 to the truckers and I cannot even have a dump now.

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