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How long is usually the wait after 3000 status ?

Thank you
I don't think 3000 status means s**t . more like being at 1100 lol . I am getting a the car . and exactly how I wanted it.I'll just keep waiting patiently . Sounds of it. she'll be here for the summer.
Ya, he's pulling your leg. 2000 is a relief. Come hell or high water GM will build your car. Usually it's a case of plant efficiency that dictates when the car will be built. All depends on parts availability as the time approaches. Parts are ordered at 2000 but 3100 means the parts are in the building.
Then if covid doesn't hit or a natural disaster of some kind doesn't happen the car is scheduled to be built. Only then is it at 3100.

Edit: sorry, got the codes mixed up.
Reactions: vinny's vette
Thanks Murray praying for no bad weather.
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yes I know the difference between 3000 and 3100 , 3100 is parts are in the building. I learned a lot about the plant watching my 2011 grand sport being build
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