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Announcement CCF Is BACK - Sorry sorry sorry


Hi CCF users! Firstly I wish to personally apologise for the longest outage ever. Our primary data center had what can best be described as a cataclysmic and mildly comical series of events involving a power surge, a power outage, a backup generator catching fire and fire suppressant dowsing hundreds of servers (including some of ours). Our original servers are still drying and in pieces.

We are now operating from a different data center on different hardware from a backup that we thankfully did on Apr 3 (Sat night). We will not be able to recover your posts from Sunday.

Things are NOT 100% yet but at least I can finally get a little bit of sleep tonight knowing the site is somewhat operational. If you see any weirdness don't hesitate to report here.

More updates later....

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Many thanks to NIK and the group that looks after our needs here.
I can’t help but think it might be my fault.!
Someone posted a picture of a nice Mustang on here the other day and I may have looked/admired at it for longer than allowed.
I therefore went to the donate page and remitted an amount suitable to the error.

no worries man.

Wow Nick, I feel your pain. Great job on getting the site back up. My place of employment is just recovering from the worst malware attack I have ever experienced, and I have put in countless hours getting 10 lab machines back up and running. Thank goodness for back ups which helped recover our server. This unfortunate event has definitely opened our eyes and many more preventative measures have been put in place. Glad to see CCF back up. Long Live the CCF!! Canada Strong!!
it was weird waking up this morning g and seeing the notice. Checked a few times during the day. Funny what you miss when it’s not there!

Yea, I don’t think you enabled the power surge unless you fired up the flux capacitor with 1.61 jigawatts you’ve been working on. Hats off to you and others in the background who got this up and running.
You mean you "lingered"? And your atonement was what, 50c a minute?

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