Recent content by harshadt

  1. harshadt

    2024 Canadian Z06 Production Stats

    Oh my goodness! No no,no, let’s not start down that rabbit hole! Far too political of a discussion that’s been had on this forum in several threads so far
  2. harshadt

    USB music play by artist.

    I don’t know- I have the stock exhaust and according to some on this forum it’s far too quiet- I think I can tell when the singer misses the C and hits C# instead
  3. harshadt

    GM announces another price increase but it's not on Corvette!

    I guess somebody, or a lot of somebodies,l are buying these cars despite these massive price increases. My C8 is used May-Sept, (I have a 4Runner for Oct-Apr) so even though I contemplated getting a Z06 or ERay, I simply cannot justify the expense. Also, I hope to retire some day, and if I...
  4. harshadt

    C8 Side intake mesh grilles

    Has anybody on any forum ever discussed problems with the various intakes and rads etc getting plugged with debris? I am genuinely curious because there’s lots of discussion about these products for protection, but is that due something made up to sell stuff or a real concern?
  5. harshadt

    Mag Ride vs. No Mag Ride

    Also, in 2020 mag ride was not a $2000 no brainer option, but rather something like a $7500-8500 option (can’t remember exactly)as you had to get Z51. With the car itself at around $80K with 2LT, it’s a 10% increase in the price. Not small change as some seem to make it out to be.
  6. harshadt

    Mag Ride vs. No Mag Ride

    All depends what you mean by “raw feeling “. If it’s road rash then you need a bike lol. But in all seriousness, I enjoy the mag ride- I drive long distances (over 1000km at a time) and the comfort is amazing, better than my Benz. But in more spirt settings it is very planted let’s you feel the...
  7. harshadt

    When do you put your C8 away?

    30 cm of snow so far today, opposite end of the same province
  8. harshadt

    Our 1st Cacti C8

    Perhaps, but as the prices keep going up and up, the performance to dollar factor will be less and less, in Canada anyway. My C8 (2020) was a fantastic deal. Not sure if it still is today as a 2024, at an additional $30-40k with current prices, lux tax etc.
  9. harshadt

    Happy 2024 New Year

    Mine is to finally make it to a Murray BBQ this summer!
  10. harshadt

    Our 1st Cacti C8

    Maybe it’s an attractive exotic buyer looking for a Chevy….
  11. harshadt

    Our 1st Cacti C8

    Are you basing your decision to buy an ERay on the colour availability of that specific shade of yellow? Wow, that is certainly very discerning!
  12. harshadt

    Our 1st Cacti C8

    If I ordered cactus green expecting: and got this instead, I would not be happy
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  15. harshadt

    Our 1st Cacti C8

    I think this cacti green came from the days when Henry Ford said “you can have the Model T in any colour as long as it’s black…unless you just don’t want any paint and we will leave the primer only”