Recent content by Greg06

  1. G

    I need help i am lost

    Hi C8Dan, life is too short, and if you can swing it, keep the deposit on your dream car but get an interim corvette to fill the need for speed. If you can live with a used C6 or C5 z06 for 2 years, you may even get all your money back when the C8 arrives. Just my 2 cents. Good luck with...
  2. G

    Buying a 2017 Z06?

    This is the z with M7 that I am considering. Similar MSRP, both with Z07, 3LZ, spice pack, and carbon aero pack, comp seats, and a few different appearance options. I think I'm leaning toward this M7 though. 2017 Chevrolet Corvette For Sale in Calgary, AB
  3. G

    Buying a 2017 Z06?

    Hi Mikec6. Here is one of the cars I'm looking at. They are advertising 10% off, but it would be nice to know their actual cost. I would also think GM is helping the dealers clear out the 17s with manufacture to dealer rebates. Any info is greatly appreaciated. 2017 Chevrolet Corvette Z06...
  4. G

    Buying a 2017 Z06?

    Well I got a chance to drive two C7Zs with an A8 & M7. Wow, what an improvement over my C6 coupe & C5Z. Now I need to decide which tranny to go with. I'm also sold on the Z07, 3LZ & other bling. Decisions, decisions. A week ago I wasn't even thinking of a new vette.
  5. G

    Buying a 2017 Z06?

    I'm going to look at a few over the next 2 days but will probably take my time. Lots of options to consider which impact price. For instance do I really want (to pay for) the Z07 Perf Pack if I don't track? Is the 3LZ really that much better than a 2LZ (though I do like high grade interior)...
  6. G

    Buying a 2017 Z06?

    I just started looking on the net and found some dealers offering 11 - 12% off MSRP. I called and was informed by them that GM has provided certain dealers with a discount coupon to sell at employee pricing, which expires Aug 31. My question to forum members, is this a good deal given that '18s...