Recent content by Dave91TM

  1. Dave91TM

    Featured How does this happen?

    Oh no , my C4 has the same affliction, maybe we need to start a support group.
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  3. Dave91TM

    Featured How does this happen?

    OMG Jack, your vette has the dreaded spoke alignment issue! Its the harbinger that something is going to go terribly wrong, suggest you give it to me before something serious occurs.
  4. Dave91TM

    A/C clutch or Tensioner Issue?

    It reads like a typical corvette repair. I did the water pump on my C4, 3hrs to get to it, 3 hrs to reassemble, and do it again because the pump to block gaskets slipped. Upside is you got it done, and you are richer for it especially with shop rates of at least $150.00 per hour.
  5. Dave91TM

    Classic warbirds and other aviation vids.

    One was also used during installation of the top of the CN Tower. I remember watching it on a walk down Yonge on my way to Ryerson.
  6. Dave91TM

    Ethanol is now at every gas station

    Found an article by Motor Trend Magazine, maybe a help.
  7. Dave91TM

    Classic warbirds and other aviation vids.

    Apparently, a major reason they were cancelled was their exorbitant cost.I wonder how the USA now looks at defence costs of about $800 Billion a year!?!?
  8. Dave91TM

    Anyone Else Fascinated By Old Locomotives?

    Used to be " someone forgot their bag", now its "OMG, Call the bomb squad!"
  9. Dave91TM

    Anyone Else Fascinated By Old Locomotives?

    You would only leave a window open once!
  10. Dave91TM

    billy bob and the trooper.

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  12. Dave91TM

    Corvette wiki

    You mean like "Where's your corvette?" the answer being "She bestowed ta th' shop.... widnae start"
  13. Dave91TM

    Corvette wiki

    If you get on board would you be the General Nuisance for General Nonsense?
  14. Dave91TM

    Anyone Else Fascinated By Old Locomotives?

    I guess if you are paying 7.5MIllion for one car, then 45,000 for a model seems cheap, but I flinched at $20 for a C8 from Costco.
  15. Dave91TM

    Anyone Else Fascinated By Old Locomotives?

    Reminds me of the old TV ad, I think for VW..."Dadgum thing got stuck in the dadgum snow"